June 2022
I cant believe its been 19 months since my last post in November 2020. That is so disappointing. Apologies.
The great news is that with the workshop clear I've been very busy. Well, I haven't been traveling very much.
Have we....
I know, what a great opportunity to get the boat finished, 6 years retired including nearly three years of pandemic. Alas no,
the boat is in exactly the same state as my last post. Sitting on its trailer waiting for a steering column.
Since putting the boat on the trailer there has been one job I have to get done before I can tow it.
Fitting a towing eye or U-bolt to the stem. the height is fixed by the winch position although this does make it too low
for mooring. I will add something to the deck for this.
Drilling the holes for the U-bolt (with extra long threaded sectin of course) was easy.
Spot-facing them inside the the hull was nearly impossible.
Oh, for a back spot-face tool...
Ever heard the phrase 'wallpapering your hall through the letter box'.
It was almost that bad. Here's the view through the bulkheads.
Not the easiest job with a Forstener bit that cant pickup the hole due to the hull taper.
To be honest, there has been other progress. I have renovated and painted the steering wheel.
The steering column is now the next project. First I need to design a mounting for this gearbox.
Then design the coupling between the gearbox and the steering column. Then get them made.