April 2003
Finally it's warm enough to seal the floor.
Although a light flurry of snow mid week did give rise for concern,
by the weekend the minimum overnight temperature was a
safe 1 degree above the minimum recommended 5 degrees C.
The product is Thoroseal-Super.
A cement like powder you mix with water and brush onto the floor.
It's a lot harder than it sounds, especially with a pot life of 45 minutes/12m2.
Two coats are required, one's grey and one's white so you can check for coverage.
Like all these jobs you're guaranteed to get the hang of it just as you finish.
After the floor was sealed down went the DPM followed by the underlay tiles (Wickes) then the wooden
flooring (B&Q) . A little over the top for a workshop I hear you say. Well not at £4/m2,
it's cheaper than carpet and much warmer than bare concrete! The skirting just finishes it off nicely.
The remaining jobs are quite small. Raise the roof beams, finish paneling the walls and fit the architrave around the windows and doors. Finally, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel or is it just another boat coming the other way.