July 2003
This month sees the completion of the 12th scale hull. Once all the panels are stitched together the sheer is held at the correct shape with some short lengths of wood. Then the bulkheads (frames) are fitted, size checked and glued into position. The structure is now quite rigid and all the panel interfaces can be glass/epoxy taped. Finally the stitches are taken out and this is the result.....
Basically these developed shapes work quite well, so there's no excuse for not starting
on the full size version. Next step, the building table.
Whilst browsing boat design software I came across
New Wave Systems who produce ProChine.
It's boat surfacing software for hard chine plywood boats that does the usual panel development but also
examines how much torture the plywood will experience. The trial software allows 25 file access operations,
so perfect for a final check.
It's hard to believe the Traditional boat rally has come round again. An essential afternoon out if only to refresh ones enthusiasm. Lots of slippers as always.